Ope, didn’t see ya There!

Hi! I’m the “Sarah” behind Sarah Wimmer Steffen Photography.

I’m local to Stevens Point, WI. I started dating one of my best friends from high school when I was 25 and now have two crazy energetic boys with him. I listen to too many podcasts about true crime, eat too much sugar and butter and would much prefer cuddling up in my weighted blanket with a glass of red wine, watching Schitt’s Creek than going to a loud bar where it’s too “peopley.”
I started photographing my boys’ and my adventures while I was a stay-at-home mom, realizing that my memory sucks and I didn’t want to forget any of it. I despise being posed for photos and don’t expect my clients to like it much either. Kids are hilarious. They can’t sit on chairs normally, they sprawl out on the floor or furniture with one foot up in the air while building legos. They give the sweetest, sloppy kisses and make the largest messes, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. So why are we making them get all “fancy-fied” (it’s a word) during the witching hour and forcing them to behave and “look cute” during a sunset? They’re already cute!
Poke around this site. See if our thoughts align! If the images speak to you.
Urban dictionary defines family as: “A group of people, usually of the same blood (but do not have to be), who genuinely love, trust, care about, and look out for each other. Not to be mistaken with relatives sharing the same household who hate each other.”

Whoever is in your family, however your family looks, it is free of judgement and criticism from me. All forms of family are welcome here.

What I want you to walk away feeling…

Whether I just photographed your birth, or hung out with you and your family for the day, I always want you to walk away feeling like you were just hanging out with a friend who happened to have a camera along.

Mountains in the distance with evergreens in the foreground of a cloudy but blue sky
mom in black and white with freshly born baby breastfeeding and smiling

Lets Work Together

Whether you’re about to have a baby or are in the midst of raising them, it all deserves to be documented
